Thursday, August 22, 2019

|| Sourdough ||


I'm still perfecting it, but this is the latest practice in my kitchen.

Initially sourdough is more work than regular yeast bread, but once you try it enough times it doesn’t feel quite so foreign.

I'm not naturally inclined to learn, but that's just one of the things I'm thankful for that my husband Travis brings out in me. He makes me feel like learning is just a part of life, which it is. But he generally makes it more inviting for me, as someone who finds comfort in routine. For him learning is exciting and something he seeks out daily, always reading, listing and watching. But for me, if I can get through a whole day of doing everything I know and doing it well, that's a win. Thank you Jesus that you choose to grow us and make us more like you through your church (Ephesians 4:15-16).

I'd also like to thank my mom for the starter and answering my countless cooking and baking questions. I'll remember you when my bread starts winning awards!


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