Saturday, November 25, 2017

|| Surprise ! ||

Wow it's been a minute since I've sat down and updated! 
So, here's a handful of photos from the past weeks and just a general update.

God is sovereign, and has been throwing so many surprises in my life! I don't know when I started becoming a fan, but ever since I've verbalized "I love surprises" probably about a year ago, it seems they just keep coming.

One of the biggest being an incredible man who cherishes the Lord more than I knew one could. And happens to have a crush on me :)

A couple of weeks ago I also got to spend some quality time with my twin and her community in Washington which was such a gift.

Also, photo-shoots have been falling into place which always makes my heart happy.

There’s the gist,

Happy Saturday!


Saturday, November 4, 2017

|| Helpers Along the Way ||

It's the month of Thanksgiving, which grants permission to talk about what I'm thankful for right? 
Here's an easy one, my housemates.

This housing situation fell into my lap even before I got back to the states, and though it's only until December, I am beyond grateful that my first few months of transition have been spent here.

I'm learning, of course. Not every moment is a breeze, but I could not have asked for three better girls who have loved me so well in this season thus far.

I must admit too, it's just been a lot of fun and not a whole lot of sleep.

Jesus is good and I'm seeing that, when He covers my mistakes with His grace and unconditional love. I see His goodness in these ladies when they ask about what's going on in my head and in my heart. I see His goodness in this time that is still full of unknowns. And His goodness in the fact that I always have to trust Him.

Here's helpers who make seasons fun.

Here's to submitting to God's plans yet again and anticipating surprises along the way.

Happy Saturday!