Saturday, November 28, 2015

||London Town||

Some weeks are hard, some are just standard and others are AWESOME. This past one was spent with one of my closest friends in the land of fashion and cloudy skies. It seemed ironic at the time but looking back makes complete sense.

The Sunday before I left a guest speaker at my church was talking about the importance of Sabbath. I'm not exactly good at slowing down and unplugging from the world especially living in a fast past city like SF. In fact I don't think most of us are, so when my adventure buddy Allie called me inviting me to explore London with her three weeks ago God knew my "YES OF COURSE" meant so much more than I could have ever imagined.

I mean I knew it would be good but never could have predicted the rest and rejuvenation that would come out of it.

In traveling God reveals so much of His character, vastness and who He's growing me into.

I'm thankful and feel so undeserving of His gifts.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

||How To Be Prideful||

Jeremiah 9:24 "But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!"

Lately the Lord's been redirecting my pride. This word resonated so well with me because I've been wondering why we were created with a sense of pride or excitement in taking ownership in what we do when often we're told being prideful is wrong. There has to be a reason or purpose for this right? I mean it's in us so there for has to mean something.

It's quite possible that we've been boasting in the wrong thing. Leave it to us in our flesh to take yet another thing that was meant to glorify God in His power and turn it into something selfish. So, maybe being prideful isn't a bad thing as long as it's pride in our Maker.

These little reminders often trip me up. It seems simple, just continually give God the glory in all things, that's it. But we tend to make it difficult for ourselves. I guess that's the sweet thing about knowing God though, He'll always redirect us as long as we let Him.

God is just cool.


Monday, November 9, 2015

||His Yoke Is Easy||

"Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am                        
There You go lifting my load again"

These words have reigned so true in my life today. 

Lately (the past couple of weeks) my burden has felt heavy. Living in the Tenderloin in 
San Francisco just gets to you sometimes, if I'm going to be honest. Everything when not surrendered to the Lord starts to become exhausting and heavy.

Yesterday we sang Take a Moment in church and today it's been replaying in my head even while listening to something completely different. I think God was just really wanting me to feel the weight or maybe the ease that comes with those words.

And let me tell you, I am. Just sitting here, remembering that God is so big and in control of every single situation, every person's future, emotions, finances and all other details. 

He loves those that we love WAY more than we can even imagine and that brings my heart the greatest joy.

"His yoke is easy and His burden is so light" 

Dang. I’m quick to forget the simplicity of His truths.


Monday, November 2, 2015

||Tim & Faith||

Tim and Faith have decided to travel for a bit and see where the Lord, and they're jeep takes them in this next season. As sad as they are to be leaving the beautiful Los Osos, I had the privilege of being able to bless them with some photos of them in a few of their favorite spots!

Not only did we enjoy a couple of hours of just being together and exploring but the Lord also hooked it up BIG TIME with one of the most amazing sunsets we've experienced!

Talk about heading out with a bang, we couldn't have been more thrilled and thankful for the creativity displayed in the sky that evening!

Here's to traveling and making life one big adventure with Jesus!