Monday, November 28, 2016

||Party Time||

This weekend was event after event, one of them being a day of African celebrations!

I'm feeling a fresh wind in me after getting to watch customs and DANCING (I think I always forget how much I love dancing).

Here's to party season in Tanzania!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

||Weak Fingers||

I was just going through photos and videos of this past month and realizing how God has shown me the beauty of water. The ways it gives life and makes us desperate for Him when we run out. How many references there are in the bible about God being the living water. I guess I'm just thankful for seasons of life that seem simplified and victories that come in abundance, because we choose to acknowledge them in the small things.

I was going to post this a week ago. Didn’t end up making it on the blog until now because as I was typing my fingers grew weak at the thought of everything going through my mind. That paragraph wasn’t the truth as much as it was a reminder. I opened my word docs today (found that paragraph was saved) still overwhelmed with some of those thoughts lingering in my mind. But I felt the heaviness of my worries dissipate slowly as I read, coming back today and this moment.

There is no formula. My flesh gets frustrated every time I relearn that lesson. But my spirit knows that’s good for me. That “no formula” is what grows, stretches and continues to shape me into who God wants me to be.

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

||I Miss You||

Some days living on a different continent just means missing family and friends.

On these days I long for heaven when community will be in the same place for eternity. I think it's ok to let ourselves miss things like the past and people. Not to dwell, but more so let grace cover the hardships that are promised when we live a life of surrender. Because not every day, no matter how busy or eventful means an easy day.

Good thing we have a God who knows these corners of our emotions. Such a gift that we always have hope.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

||It's Not Just Me||

To be honest I didn’t know adults thought art was a cool as I did. I love art, always have, but in my mind everyone saw it as a dainty hobby and nothing more.

So, when the leader of Nexus (the group of guests staying on the Wild Hope land this past week) asked if I could facilitate a time of art I was a bit surprised. Not only did he go out of his way to ask but he was excited! Even when it seemed that everyone was in “chill mode” when the designated time came and I offered to delay till the next day, he insisted that it proceed. And I must say I’m glad he did because watching leaders of christian ministries from four different continents come and let water color quiet they’re minds was so life giving to me! Every time I see someone let art slow them down it reminds me that we're more alike than we think.

If we serve the ultimate Creator, why wouldn’t we enjoy being creative too if our aim is to be more like Him?

It was such a blessing to see Wild Hope come to life as a retreat center through this group!