Friday, March 13, 2020

|| Capture More ||

Yesterday before I fell asleep I thought to myself, "I haven't photographed for fun in a while".

Wedding photography has really been picking up for me which is amazing because, for a long time that's been my dream! Though, I've started to realized I don't like bringing my camera to places for fun, because it feels more like work to me. I never thought I'd feel this way seeing as photography has always just been a joy until this point. And although it still is, I think my creativity can start to get stagnant. I've noticed when posing my wedding couples I just do what I know, instead of switching up my positioning or trying to challenge myself to think outside of what I normally do.

So today, being my husbands' birthday I brought out my camera to capture him in his favorite bookstore. And when we got home Gandalf was playing with his toy and my camera was already out so I took a few quick snaps of him!

Here's to being intentional about capturing more, and attempting to grow in the things I love to do.

Happy Friday and happy birthday to my love, Travis!


Thursday, August 22, 2019

|| Sourdough ||


I'm still perfecting it, but this is the latest practice in my kitchen.

Initially sourdough is more work than regular yeast bread, but once you try it enough times it doesn’t feel quite so foreign.

I'm not naturally inclined to learn, but that's just one of the things I'm thankful for that my husband Travis brings out in me. He makes me feel like learning is just a part of life, which it is. But he generally makes it more inviting for me, as someone who finds comfort in routine. For him learning is exciting and something he seeks out daily, always reading, listing and watching. But for me, if I can get through a whole day of doing everything I know and doing it well, that's a win. Thank you Jesus that you choose to grow us and make us more like you through your church (Ephesians 4:15-16).

I'd also like to thank my mom for the starter and answering my countless cooking and baking questions. I'll remember you when my bread starts winning awards!


Thursday, August 8, 2019

|| I'm Back ||

Wow, it's been a minute since I’ve posted!

Looking through my last updates I wondered, is it even worth it for me to blog anymore? I'm no longer on Instagram, writing doesn't seem to flow as naturally, and my priorities have shifted over the years.

I've also noticed that I can tend to get cynical over social media platforms. It’s been harder to express myself outside of face to face communication seeing the re-precautions of staying connected through social media. You've heard it before, I'm sure, the "be present" talk. As well as the "highlight reel" and the comparison it ingrains and jealousy that lingers after half an hour of scrolling. These are things I thought through and yes, prayed through and why I gave up Instagram. I do have Facebook, reason being to keep people interested in my photography. Yet I do find myself getting caught up in my news feed and left feeling slightly dissatisfied (I often consider deleting my account, who knows maybe eventually I will).

This blog though, I must admit I've been absent from, due to fear. I’m married now, when I was single it felt easier to write about whatever, because it mostly affected me. Now, there’s more to consider, and there’s a potential for my friends to read this! What if they disagree or I have a typo? (there will be many)

But I guess that's not a good reason to quit something. I like writing, and though I may be a little rusty, maybe it’s a good place to start.

So, here's to blogging again. Blogging about exciting news, Travis, recipes, photoshoots, Gandalf, life updates, interesting thoughts and other random things I can't think of right now.

I’m back!


Saturday, April 20, 2019

|| Walnut Bread ||

Today, I made walnut bread!

My mom makes amazing walnut bread, so I looked up a regular yeast bread recipe and just added chopped walnuts to it. And it turned out pretty good! I think...

Confession I haven't tried it yet because I made it sort of late and just decided to let it sit until tomorrow morning. But I did get some good photos before I sliced it up and my husband got me a sweet new bread knife! So, it's safe to say I'm excited for tomorrow morning to come.

Also, it's Easter tomorrow, the best day (along with Christmas) to celebrate!

Here's to happy anticipation!


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

|| The Tastiest ||

I've made my first, a pretty one and now... my tastiest!


My friend sent me this recipe, and I've been having a grand time learning how to perfect it!

Happy Wednesday,


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

|| It's Raining ||

It's raining and it's Wednesday.

I don't know if there's a better reason so make banana muffins.

Also it's December, which means we should be baking all the time anyway.

So here's to holiday happiness and cozy food for the few cold days we get in Carpinteria!


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

|| The Perfect Honeymoon ||

I'm Jet lagged.

So, I'm up way too early writing this post, but I would have done it all over again for our honeymoon!

I keep saying our honeymoon was "perfect" which isn't a word I use to describe many things.

But it was.

Our first trip together, his first time to Europe, the weather, our first weeks of marriage felt covered and blessed. We spent our time running and eating. We woke up to rainy mornings as well as enjoyed a couple of perfect sunny beach days. I got to learn his life rhymes as he did mine. We get to do that for the rest of our lives, wow!
We had a lot of time to rest and reflect. And that's something I'm most thankful for because as we gave ourselves the space to do that, it also paved way for us to dream and cast vision for our future.

God gave us so much opportunity to experience all the best things together. After wedding planning, it was the biggest gift to let time slow down again.

But now we're back and I don't think I've ever had to return to more transition and business but maybe with the two extremes I'll be able to find a middle ground!

For now, let's relive the days of perfection.