One day a couple of weeks before I came back to Carpinteria, I was walking down the street in the TL (Tenderloin). I made eye contact with a homeless man and right before he passed me he gently grabbed my wrist and we both stopped. He looked right at me, not in a threatening way and usually in a situation like this I would be very cautious, but in this case I felt a sense of peace wash over me. He asked in the most genuine whisper "are you scared of me?" My heart broke for him and I responded "No!" He then continued "will you buy me a hamburger at jack in the box?" I said "of course!" In that short period of time of waiting in line and ordering food I got to ask him if he knew Jesus and pray over him.
As I’ve been reflecting on my time in the City over the past
two years I’ve noticed how God has used me in unconventional ways. He’s so good
like that, to answer prayers even though He knows we might not recognize it until
weeks, months or years later. And sometimes it may be hard to recognize because
were so focused on our expectations being met, that we totally disregard what
God knows is going to be more beneficial for His Kingdom.
Some seasons God gives us a family of people to serve and do
life with. And in others He sets aside a period of one on one time with Him, to
rest and learn. It doesn’t mean we have to put anything on hold because once
your mission minded He will use you, it’s why we were created. It’s about choosing
to walk in that mindset and letting Him lead.
I miss the TL
Happy Sunday!
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