Thursday, May 26, 2016

||I Know Your There||

There's this song that's been replaying in my head for the past week. It's called “Closer Than You Know” by Hillsong United. At the bridge there’s a line that says "God I hear You, I know Your there". Those words just keep chasing each other around in my head.

I feel like this week and a half of rest, before I go to Africa for a month has been day by day, moment by moment. Each conversation adding confusion and clarity to my life all at the same time.

Lately I've been so consumed by anxiety of the future it overwhelms me. I'm done with art school, and when I visualize my life I see Tanzania for a month and then nothing. Not a road or a specific job.

Life used to seem so secure and now not so much.

I know that some of the desires of my heart include serving Jesus in San Francisco, singing, art, wedding photography and talking to people. I love a lot of things and I wish the spectrum wasn’t so broad so that I could hone in on one specific focus.

I know that I hear God and when He gives me glimpses or words for my future it scares me because in my finite human mind it doesn’t make sense. I can’t piece it together as easily as I’d want to but oddly enough I have peace about it.

I’m looking forward to the day when I get to reflect on this time and see what God’s purpose was because right now I just don’t know.

I’m glad someone knows and I’m thankful for hope and security in Jesus.

So this is what's actually going through my head when I post these photos.

“God I hear You, I know Your there”


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