Saturday, November 28, 2015

||London Town||

Some weeks are hard, some are just standard and others are AWESOME. This past one was spent with one of my closest friends in the land of fashion and cloudy skies. It seemed ironic at the time but looking back makes complete sense.

The Sunday before I left a guest speaker at my church was talking about the importance of Sabbath. I'm not exactly good at slowing down and unplugging from the world especially living in a fast past city like SF. In fact I don't think most of us are, so when my adventure buddy Allie called me inviting me to explore London with her three weeks ago God knew my "YES OF COURSE" meant so much more than I could have ever imagined.

I mean I knew it would be good but never could have predicted the rest and rejuvenation that would come out of it.

In traveling God reveals so much of His character, vastness and who He's growing me into.

I'm thankful and feel so undeserving of His gifts.



  1. Just go live overseas already ;) Miss you! And I want to hear more about this!

  2. Just go live overseas already ;) Miss you! And I want to hear more about this!
