Monday, February 9, 2015

||New Food||

I was shopping at Trader Joe's the other day and as I was looking for rice I came upon the "Harvest Grains Blend". It looked sort of familiar so I shot my mom a quick text asking if she cooked this stuff at home. And sure enough she did, so without hesitation I bought it and couldn't wait to make it.

Along with that I decided it was time for a new meat choice. So I looked at the options and a spicy sausage stuck out to me. This weekend I finally had the time to whip out the new food and I got to work creating a tasty meal. Of course I also had to add mushrooms and onions for flavor, because let's admit it they make everything better!

I know this isn't one of my prettiest arrangements but I was hungry and bowls are just faster when you're in a hurry. AND I have left overs which is always a plus!


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