Sunday, February 22, 2015

||His Majesty||

This weekend I explored, made new friends and was reminded of just how big God is.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

||A Little Late||

Hey guys, I know it's a little late but I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day. I know I did with one of my dearest friends, who came into town and hung out with me all weekend!

Cheers to the (almost) weekend!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

||Easy Treats||

Yesterday I was craving something fresh and tasty and the only sweet thing I had in my little food area were the makings for banana bread. Okay, I'm not going to lie I got the box from Trader Joe's but in my defense I did add three key ingredients and mix them like a pro.

Seriously guys I'm not usually an advocate for "pre-made, just add water" food but I'd make an exception for banana bread (and pumpkin bread) any day. You should try it.


Monday, February 9, 2015

||New Food||

I was shopping at Trader Joe's the other day and as I was looking for rice I came upon the "Harvest Grains Blend". It looked sort of familiar so I shot my mom a quick text asking if she cooked this stuff at home. And sure enough she did, so without hesitation I bought it and couldn't wait to make it.

Along with that I decided it was time for a new meat choice. So I looked at the options and a spicy sausage stuck out to me. This weekend I finally had the time to whip out the new food and I got to work creating a tasty meal. Of course I also had to add mushrooms and onions for flavor, because let's admit it they make everything better!

I know this isn't one of my prettiest arrangements but I was hungry and bowls are just faster when you're in a hurry. AND I have left overs which is always a plus!


Sunday, February 8, 2015

||Two Words||

Goodness, gracious. Those are the only two words that to come to mind after this week.

I'm so excited to share that I've been hired at an editing company, created lots of art, and ventured all around this coffee crazed, amazing city. Yes, I've had a lot of coffee this week at many new and different places.

My dad always says that one of his goals is to eventually eat at every restaurant in our little home town. Well I'd like to say the same for me but instead of restaurants (because that is most definitely impossible) coffee shops here in SF. Though this is probably unlikely too, why not at least try am I right? 

Wishing you the happiest of Sundays