Saturday, July 5, 2014


Today I was taking some time to reflect back on where I was this time last year. It was the beginning of a long few months of being bed ridden and a limited summer. I was in San Francisco last year about to enter my fourth week of doing a pre-college summer program for the school I was applying to and my roommate and I were walking to a fourth of July party. As I was crossing the street, at a cross walk, in mid daylight a cab driver ran a stop sign and hit me. I didn't really realize what was happening and as I was laying on the ground could only mumble the words "sorry, sorry, sorry". Nothing was registering in my brain and for some reason I didn't know who to blame but myself. As my roommate was standing there trying to a get a hold of someone in charge and a witness was calling 911, strangely enough the two thoughts going through my mind were "I'm not going to be able to do sports again" and "I'm going to get fat".

 An ambulance came and put me on a stretcher asking what hurt and if I could remember who I was. The pain didn't start to over come the trauma until they ejected morphine into me, that's when the burning sensation hit. Although later I would find out I only had a broken ankle and a few broken toes it felt like a truck ran over my entire leg. Never had I felt pain like that before, but in the midst of crying and moaning Marina (my roommate) whispers loudly, "Deborah, I know you don't want to hear this right now but one of the witness was REALLY hot."

 Marina was seriously sent from the Lord to help me get through that hard time in my life because in that moment she some how eased the pain, just a little and made me laugh. So after finally getting to the hospital, alerting my family of the situation and figuring out exactly what the injuries were, I got to go back to the dorms that night and instead of climbing six flight of stairs, got to stay on the first floor. The collage program was something I never got to finish and my whole summer was pretty much spent watching almost every movie in the world but if I could do it over there's not a thing I would change.

Being bed ridden taught me patience, how blessed I was by my community and took me to a deeper level with God. The fact that I got hit by a car and had such a minor injury, during summer with no obligations and nothing but time to heal showed me that God's timing is perfect and His angel's were protecting me. One of my favorite verses ever says, "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."-1 Corinthians 10:13.

I got to finish my last season of track and field, can swim, jump, run and move around however I want. I have a scar and two screws but my ankle is fixed and I consider that a miracle after being with out it for while. I am truly thankful and feel beyond blessed and undeserving of two working ankles.

Happy July 5th!


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