This past week has been a week of many firsts. Although I have been to New York in the past, I don't count it because I was too young and my memories of it consists of watching the last episode of "friends" in a hotel room with my family and that's about it. Anyways, back to the many firsts. This is the first time I've traveled in a group with friends on a plane. The first time I've ever been to Ground Zero, the Brooklyn bridge and the beautiful Central Park. My first but certainly not last, Broadway show, which was Motown the musical and happens to be the most amazing musical I've seen thus far in my life. The first time I've had street food from a vendor (which I vow to never eat again because my stomach made me promise). Also the first time I've been on a plane with James Franco. But I decided that I'm going to do everything I can not to get star struck because they are just like us and as my sister reminded me they will get old too one day. New York City is exactly like it's portrayed in the movies. The loud honking, fast pace, good food, tall buildings and high energy that only goes up at night time. NYC truly is the city that never sleeps and although it's hard to get use to the first couple of nights, it sort grows on you the longer you stay. A trip of firsts has indeed been a good one. Unforgettable in so many ways these past few days have been and so many memories as well as adventures will stay with me forever. More than anything if you've never been to New York I encourage you to go and experience it. There's nothing like seeing street dancers, musicians and everything else that makes it so unique. I never understood what the big deal was about the Big Apple until this week.If your ever thinking of going do so, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

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