Tuesday, March 20, 2018

|| Though the Seasons Change ||

One thing that I really like about Facebook is "tagged photos".

Occasionally, I'll just look at all my tagged photos and use it as a time of reflection. I spent some time doing that just now, and it revealed the tiniest glimpse of all that God's been doing in my life. 

I was looking back on photos of trips and different seasons remembering not only the joys but the hard things too. In a sense it gave me an appreciation for all that God brought me through then. It gave me hope for the discouraging times now, that I know He will carry me through. 
As I'm regaining a sense of stability in all that's going on in my day to day I'm thankful.

Thankful that I'm close to most of my family, dating the man of my dreams and learning how to love God in Carpinteria.

Thankful for His grace in it.

Thankful for a church that is pursuing God and His vision for us as a body.

Thankful for friends who have been there for me in all the shifting, while I figure out how to do life right now.

Thankful for the ocean and a house to rest in.

Thankful for all the ways God is holding me, letting me unravel and the fullness He has in reshaping me for this season.

Happy Tuesday


Monday, March 5, 2018

|| Gentle Rains ||

GUYS! I just want you all to enjoy some fun shots from the Bekendams family shoot!
It's cool, because we shot these in their home this past weekend in Carpinteria during the "rain storm". What was supposed to cause more mudslides and chaos ended up being the gentle rain our cities needed and something I, as well as others prayed for.

This winter the coast-lands of California suffered a lot of devastation and natural disasters. But as Spring is upon us I've seen God meet His people through comfort, nearness and now, surprises.

Thank you, Jesus, for pulling us closer to you in trials and showing us mercy and miracles in seasons of newness!

Happy Monday