Friday, March 25, 2016

||Nailed It||

It's taken a while but I finally nailed a gluten free scone recipe! Scones are one of my favorite breakfast meals, and I anticipate many mornings full of them.

Happy Friday!


Friday, March 18, 2016

||His Plans, His Gifts||

I use to be a planner. Then I realized that sometimes letting God's plan unfold even though it takes more trust and can be harder is always better. This week I remembered it was spring break and a trip Kate and I knew we wanted to take happen to work out for both of us!

It's funny how when you leave things up to God's timing the blessings seem to come in abundance. Big Sur was magical and easy. The weather was incredible, the water majestic and the campsite simply unreal!

This season I've consistently found myself undone by the Lord's gifts and surprises. This has been one of my favorites so far.

Happy Friday!


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

||Whatever's In The Fridge||

This is spaghetti eggplant! If it looks like squid tentacles after you've cut it in half, seasoned it with oil and lemon pepper, put it in the oven for a bit, then took it out and forked it from the skin you nailed it! I also just threw in some cauliflower and goat cheese, because that's all I had in my fridge. Although, you can add whatever sounds good and chances are it'll be bomb!

Happy Tuesday


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

||The Go Tos||

This season has given me so much more time to get better at cooking! Here are some of my favorite go to meals!!